File a Merger Form-12 – Notice of Merger Form-12-Notice-of-Merger-2.pdf Form 02 – Request for Confidentiality Form-2-Request-for-Confidentiality.pdf 1. Please fill out all parts of this Form to the best of your knowledge and attach all required documents. 2. One (1) original and all supporting documents must be provided to the CCC. The supporting documents shall be either in originals or certified copies of the originals. 3. If you believe that your interests would be harmed if any of the information you are asked to supply were to be published or otherwise divulged to other parties, submit this information by duly completing Form 2- Request for Confidentiality and submitting it jointly with this Notice. You should also give reasons why this information should not be divulged or publishedName of Transaction*Email address*Note/MessageFilled Form 12*AttachmentsUpload LinkPlease enable JavaScript to submit this form.File MergerThis field should be left blank