File an application for authorization Form 07 – Application for Exemption or Authorisation Form-7-Notice-for-Exemption-or-Authorisation.pdf Form 02 – Request for Confidentiality Form-2-Request-for-Confidentiality.pdf The COMESA Competition Commission may grant an exemption or authorisation to an undertaking in terms of Article 16 (4) or Article 20 of the Regulations respectively.Page 1 of 5I. DETAIL OF APPLICANT(natural or legal person submitting this Application)Full Names of ApplicantAddress and name of contact personEmail addressPhone numberFaxBrief Description of Sector (Industry , products/Services, etc)Joint ApplicationFull Names of ApplicantAddress and name of contact personEmail addressPhone numberFaxBrief Description of Sector (Industry , products/Services, etc)NextII. APPLICATIONAs provided for in Article (4/ Article 20 of the COMESA competition Regulation (2004), we hereby apply for an exemption/ authorization (Delete the inapplicable) from the application of the Regulations and rules adopted thereunder for the subject(s) specified in Section III belowBackNextIII. SUBJECT OF EXEMPTION/AUTHORIZATIONConduct or PracticePlease specify the conduct or practice you are seeking exemption/authorization from (e.g., agreement, concerted practice, etc.) and attach any supporting documentation in support of your ApplicationPeriod We have not previously submitted to the COMESA Competition Commission as Application for exemption/authorization in respect of the subject matter described herein. We have not previously submitted to the COMESA Competition Commission as Application for exemption/authorization in respect of the subject matter described herein. YesNoCase NumberThe exemption /authorization is required for the following reasonsPlease describe In case of application for Exemption, the contribution that agreement, decision or concerted practice’s has to improving production and distribution of goods or promotion to technical or economical progress which allows consumers a fair share of the resulting benefitPlease describe in case of application for Authorisation the public benefits of the contract, arrangement or understanding that is the subject of the Application.BackNextIV. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS:Please list all supporting documents that are attached to this ApplicationBackNextV. DECLARATIONSubmit a document with a declaration (Name, Position, Signature, Date)Please enable JavaScript to submit this form.BackSendThis field should be left blank