Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger involving Absa Bank (Mauritius) Limited and the Mauritius branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Merger Involving Maziwa and Highland Creamers & Food Limited Mergers & Acquisitions
Proposed Merger Involving Airtel Congo RDC, Orange RDC S.A. and Mawezi RDC S.A. Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger involving Vivendi S.E. and Lagardère S.A. Mergers & Acquisitions
Proposed Merger Involving AfricInvest Fund IV LLC, AfricInvest IV Netherlands C.V., AfricInvest Fund III LLC, Kanuri ISN Limited and Ison Infotel Limited Mergers & Acquisitions