Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger involving Avia Solutions Group (ASG) PLC and AirExplore, s.r.o. Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Acquisition by Discovery Energy Holdings, L.P. of Sole Control Over the Energy Business of Kohler CO. Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Acquisition of up to 35% of the shareholding in Hennos Holdings Limited by Hollard International (Proprietary) Limited for an indirect minority stake of up to 25.9% in Apollo Investments Limited Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger involving National Cement Holding Limited and Cimerwa PLC Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Joint Venture between Public Investment Fund and Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger Involving Public Investment Fund and Alkhorayef Petroleum Company Mergers & Acquisitions