Posted 3 years ago

This serves to notify prospective bidders that the COMESA Competition Commission (the Commission), wishes to issue this addendum amending the Request for Proposals RFP No. CCC/RFP/09/4/2021 posted on the Commission’s website on 22nd September 2021 regarding Consultancy Services to Review Organisational Structure of the COMESA Competition Commission as follows:

  1. Section 17 on Submission of Applications

1.1.      By the deletion of paragraph 17.2 c. under subsection 1.3.3. and the substitution of the following:
“17.2. The outer envelope should be clearly marked at the top right-hand corner “CCC/RFP/9/4/2021 – CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR REVIEWING ORGANISATIONAL CHART OF THE COMESA COMPETITION COMMISSION” DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 4th November 2021 at 12.00 Hours Malawi time zone.
NOTE: If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as per the instructions in this clause, the Commission will not assume responsibility for the proposal’s misplacement or premature opening and may – at its discretion – reject the proposal. “

  1. Section 18 on Closing Date of Tender and Opening of Bid

     2.1. By the deletion of paragraph 18.1 and Section 18.2 and the substitution of the following:
“18.1.  Tenders must be submitted to the COMESA Competition Commission on or before     4th November 2021 at 12:00 hours MALAWI TIME.
18.2. Bidders are invited to attend the opening of bids (which may be virtual or physical) scheduled to be held on 4th November 2021 at 15:00 hours MALAWI TIME.”


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