Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger involving Timber Servicios Empresariales S.A. and LSFX Flavum Topco, S.L. Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Acquisition of sole control by Taylor Smith Investment Limited over Lafarge (Mauritius) Cement Ltd, Pre-Mixed Concrete Limited, Holcim Madagascar SA, Holcim Madagascar Immobillier (HMI) (SARL), Lafarge Cement Company (Seychelles) Limited and Lafarge Comores SA Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger involving Business Venture Investments No. 2032 Proprietary Limited and Waco International Holdings Proprietary Limited Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into a Merger Transaction Involving New Limpopo Bridge Projects Limited and Grindrod Mauritius Mergers & Acquisitions
Decision of the Twelfth Meeting of the Committee of Initial Determination Regarding the Proposed Merger between Holcim Limited and Lafarge S.A Mergers & Acquisitions