Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Acquisition of up to 35% of the shareholding in Hennos Holdings Limited by Hollard International (Proprietary) Limited for an indirect minority stake of up to 25.9% in Apollo Investments Limited Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Acquisition of Joint Control by Sanlam Limited and Allianz SE over Sanlam Transaction Assets and Allianz Transaction Assets Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Acquisition by Allianz SE of certain assets relating to Aetna Global Benefits (UK) Limited’s international private medical insurance business Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger involving Sanlam Emerging Markets Proprietary Limited and aYo Holdings Limited Mergers & Acquisitions
Notice of Inquiry into the Proposed Merger Involving Old Mutual Alternative Investments Proprietary Limited and ACTOM Investment Holdings Proprietary Limited Mergers & Acquisitions